Heatmap Generation

Project information

Live stream heat map of the citizens is being generated as it times. It can be used to know density of crowd in that particular street of the city and helps in maintaining the social distance.

Image Playground

Project information

Image Playground is a web app built using Streamlit. The objective is to implement the various image filters (manipulators) using OpenCV.


Project information

LISA is a smaller version replica of the Boston Dynamics Spot Robot. We are inspired by the working and functioning of the Spot and started working on this smaller version. The Aim 🎯 of the Project is to make a smaller version of Spot but with minimal affordable electronic components and hardware 🧰.

Animatronic-Eye 👀

Project information

Animatronics is a blended word which is formed by the combination of Animate and Electronics. This Project presents simulation of human eyes and their movements in different situations.

Deaf and Dumb Assistant

Project information

Developed the web application which can assist people through Sign Language Detection.The web app